I’m offering up a few suggestions of book choices, for those of you afraid to dip your toes into the SF swimming pool. So go grab your water wings, and let’s jump in at the deep end shall we. Let’s be funny For me Piers Anthony and his Xanth series were a huge discovery,… Continue reading
Author Archives → Alexandra
I’m A Science Fiction Nerd And — This Is My Genre #Tag
Having missed blogging for a few days due to one thing and another, not least of which I had an upset stomach (and let’s face it, no one wants to hear about that!) I’m back with a book #tag post talking about my favourite genre: science fiction. What is your favourite genre? Ha! As if… Continue reading
Happy Things Friday
Following in the footsteps of those who have gone before (check out Elisabeth’s post this week) I’m going to try to get into the habit of writing a Happy Things post every Friday. Mostly to remind myself that not every week is dull and boring, and that there are plenty of things in life to… Continue reading
Shadows and Light
I missed posting this one yesterday, I have no excuse especially as I have a post it note stuck to my computer to remind me. But, anyway, I digress. Joining in with others who are participating in iHanna’s blog photo challenge, I’m posting this for January’s themes, Shadows and Light.
Gas Attack, Gas Attack
I’m writing this because an online friend, Lou Plummer, asked whether or not, as part of my military training, I had to go through the “gas tent”. The answer is: Yes. This is a process whereby newbies on receipt of fancy new NBC (Nuclear, Biological, Chemical) suit had to test it and their skills at… Continue reading
The Blog Question Challenge
I know how much I love a good challenge, and I know too that there are a few of you out there who, like me, love to answer blogging questions. So when I saw this challenge online I knew I had to do it. So, welcome to The Blog Question Challenge. And, the questions are:… Continue reading