I’m declaring today, Friday the 13th, Book Blogger Day, and what better way to share the love than to talk about some of my favourite book bloggers and the diversity of genres they read and review.
BOOK JOTTER — Paula covers all sorts of news, reviews and books for readers who are passionate about their literature. And her Sunday Roundups are a must just for the link-fest she puts together. She also has a number of interesting features like ‘SHELFIES’, and covers some of the UK’s more interesting book festivals and participates in the Wales Readathon.
CONSUMED BY INK — Naomi is a Canadian with an eye for CanLit and will tell you everything you need to know about authors from her part of the world, in Nova Scotia, and on the literary scene, in general, across Canada. She highlights a great deal of diversity and offers up thorough reviews with plenty of insight, quotes, and commentary that make for an interesting read. I’ve learnt a great deal from her blog, and really enjoy her insight.
BEWARE OF THE READER — The wonderfully romantic Sophie covers every kind of romance, and then some. But doesn’t just stop there; she also reads and reviews any number of other genre as well. What’s more, she always manages to add funny personal anecdotes and commentary to her blog posts that make you feel like you’re having coffee together.
WHAT’S BETTER THAN BOOKS — Zoe is another blogger covering a lot of romance and contemporary fiction, with a touch of mystery thrown in for good measure. She also does blog tours, giveaways, and enjoys a good meme as well. Her reviews are concise and to the point and always highlight the best bits of any good read.
BLUE MOOD CAFE — Hanging out in the cafe you will find Jonetta talking about love, romance, a bit of mystery and contemporary novels (especially on audio) that have caught her eye. Her reviews are short, succinct, and tell you just what it is about her read, that she loved.
THE BELGIAN REVIEWER — Inge loves her crime and mystery fiction, but that isn’t all she reads, you might find the odd YA novel in the mix, along with a bit of chicklit. She also does an awesome BFF post once a month in which she features her favourite blog friends from around the web.
SUE’S MUSINGS — Sue Bavey is another fantastic blogger who covers a lot of indie SFF and is a Roadie for Storytellers On Tour doing book tour reviews and cover reveals.
Happy Book Blogger Day, everyone!
Photo by Dan Dumitriu on Unsplash
What a great list. I love reading about books as well, but it also stresses me out if it’s too much or too often because my TBR grows way quicker than I can read…
It’s fun to follow a few, Hanna, but yes, it can get too much sometimes with so many good recommendations. I try to make sure I only buy 1-2 books a month and only if I’ve managed to read something from my TBR piles.
Happy Book Blogger day. What a fun event to create.
I am being honest I dont follow any book blogger despite reading a lot.
The best books are the ones I dont know much about. Where the cover or title is info enough. I read the blurb but really I dont need to know more.
I listen to the podcast my two bookclub hosts are doing but often it is too much info for me.
Of course I read the book reviews from my fellow bloggers but I often skim them just to get a feel if I would like a book. Dont give it all away.
Oh, I understand what you mean. I want to read the book rather than read peoples reviews. I really just need to know what the book is about and if the reader liked it and why.
But then, I am also guilty of writing really long reviews too because I might have loved a book so much I want to tell everyone why I loved it.
It’s difficult to find the balance.