I have no relationship with my phone. Unlike successive generations brought up glued to social media and their phones, doom scrolling to find a connection, any connection, I came out of a different era. One that smiles at people in the street, chats casually with the person on the next table in the coffee shop/bus/train,… Continue reading
Post Category → NaBloPoMo
WeblogPoMo AMA #4
As yesterday was Thanksgiving in the US, I suppose I should have posted this yesterday, but I guess today is also a good day. My friend Jedda was asking us all one question yesterday, online, which was: “What are you thankful for?” Well, in truth, quite a lot really. But I think I’ll stick to… Continue reading
My Online Brand
I’ve never really thought about it before this morning, thinking I never really had a “brand” per se, but the truth is, when I looked closer, yes, I do. And it’s quite distinctive to me. From the choice of fonts I like to use because of the way they look, to the colours I choose… Continue reading
Working 9 till 5
I’ve had an amazing number of jobs over the years, starting with what I guess is a rite of passage for any kid born in the UK pre 1980s — that of paper delivery kid. Like many, it was my first real job that I got paid for by someone not a family member. A… Continue reading
A Jelly Baby Girl
One of my all-time favourite sweeties as a child were Bassetts Jelly Babies. And I mean the original flour dusted version, not the more recent Maynards version. As anyone who is a regular reader to this blog might know by now is, most of my favourite things have came to me by way of my… Continue reading
Miss Why
I’ve had an internal monolog running in my head since I was probably 3-4 years old. I know I spent a lot of those first aware years—between 3 and 5—firing questions at my father almost non-stop. Asking him why this, or why that. Questions he always patiently answered. And, despite my best efforts, he always,… Continue reading