Daily Life

I try to keep my life simple and, for the most part, it works. I have my routines that, if not followed, end up leaving me out of sorts and yes, even grumpy sometimes. And no, that’s nothing to do with my no longer drinking coffee—something I had to do cold turkey on orders of my doctor. You wouldn’t have liked me during those first few days/weeks … oh boy, no.

But where was I? Oh, yes, routines. I get up at roughly the same time every morning, 7:45, when my iWatch quietly chimes. And yes, it’s enough to wake me. Most morning, to wake up, I step in the shower even before I brush my teeth. It’s the one thing guaranteed to wake me up. I have something of a leisurely breakfast compared to most, including the OH, who never allows enough time to get themselves organised before heading out the door for work.

The last vestiges of breakfast over, I’m then usually out the door by 10am in order to catch the bus at 10:06 to head to either the nearest supermarket or my favourite market, the Halle, where I pick up fresh stuff for dinner. Like this morning, I grabbed a fresh baguette still warm from the oven, ripe plum tomatoes and a red pepper for the tomato soup currently slow cooking in the oven. Before I stopped at my favourite patisserie to pick up a strawberry and rhubarb pie for dessert, and then, some thick dessert cream.

Chores out the way, I then feel like the rest of the day is mine to write, blog, post photos I might have snapped while out, and generally hang out over on Mastodon social.lol finding out what everyone else is doing. Once lunch is over, I spend quite a bit of time throughout the afternoon writing blog posts, or for my own self indulgence, or finishing any other chores that need doing (think, laundry) then prepping anything I might need to do for that evening’s dinner.

Dinner over, me and mine usually spend about an hour catching up on our day while supposedly watching the news, but it’s mostly just a noise going on in the background. The end of the news usually signals us doing the dishes together before settling down on the couch to watch whatever we can find on the telly, or watching a DVD from our stash. We never stay up too late because the OH has some really early starts, so find ourselves going to bed between 10:30 and 11 pm each evening.

You could say I’m consistent, you could say I’m boring, or that I’m a creature of habit and routine. Whatever, it works for me, my routines make sure I’m not bored or lonely, and that I have direction and purposes, and these days, we all need that in our lives. Especially when there are no guarantees or certainty in life.

And you, how do you spend most of your days?

NaBloPoMo: 7/30

[grey_box]This post is part of NaBloPoMo where I write 30 blog posts in November. Thank you for reading and leaving me a comment, which is encouragement for me to finish this challenge. To follow along you can subscribe using the form provided in the sidebar or use RSS.[/grey_box]

8 Comments Daily Life

  1. Tobia | craftaliciousme

    I am having somewhat of a loose routine that is more like this I should be doing or want be doing but if I decide differently no one is mad at me. I work from home, I have no kids, the husband is in the office long hours mostly day so….

    1. Alexandra

      I like this kind of easy going routine, as it suits my needs to be able to dash out to the market if I need something. And like you, my OH is either at their office, or in the home office, so I can choose what I want to do most days.

  2. Stephany

    Your routine sounds so lovely! I like that you take a shower first thing – there is something very rejuvenating about a morning shower, isn’t there?

  3. Melissa

    I feel like every day is different to be honest and that I have to reinvent the plan every morning. Although that is something that I’d like to work on.

    1. Alexandra

      I guess depending on life-style and work things might be variable every day. Like anyone who goes running, or to the gym regularly. Or has kids. Life and schedules rotate around other priorities.

  4. San

    Your daily routine sounds lovely, to be honest. I am in a busy phase right now, and I am craving a bit more leisure time in my daily routine.

    1. Alexandra

      I had a big health scare in 2016 so this has sort of become my thing as I had to kind of retire from the workforce. And while part of me would love to be your kind of busy, I know how quickly it can get too demanding. I hope you get that leisure time sooner rather than later.

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