It’s almost comical that on the day I’m at the dentist for an emergency appointment over a cracked tooth and lost filling, the government of Canada sends me a letter to ask whether I would like to sign up for the new Canada-wide dental care plan.
Hell, yeah. Oh course I would. Problem is, it won’t be available (if at all) in time for my next dental appointment, on Monday, to get Crowned. If only either case were true I’d be a lucky woman. As it is. Even if I am eligible, and they do decide to grant me dental coverage, the whole process probably takes months.
Though I do wonder if I can claim for the crown costs afterwards? Now that would be a nice surprise for a change.
As is, I now have to decide how I’m going to pay $1300 for the crown. Which, when you think about it, is probably a bargain. I don’t know …
Tell me, what do you pay in your country, for a crown these days?
In Aotearoa health care is very inexpensive, though the system is collapsing… Dental care on the other hand is very costly. A routine dentist visit for a checkup can cost a couple of hundred NZ dollars. A crown is always a scary prospect, tending to a couple of thousand or more.
It’s almost similar here in Canada, Miraz. We pay national health insurance to get a basic service that, for the most part works. But dental care is private, if you don’t have insurance, it’s frightening. My crown will cost $1300+ tho it’s supposed to be good for 10 years. I hope so.