Happy Things Friday

Following in the footsteps of those who have gone before (check out Elisabeth’s post this week) I’m going to try to get into the habit of writing a Happy Things post every Friday. Mostly to remind myself that not every week is dull and boring, and that there are plenty of things in life to be thankful for.

We’re half way and then some through the month, and we only just took the Christmas tree down last weekend, which meant (as promised) I could go ahead and order myself a new crafting desk. Something I’ve been hankering for, for ages. Especially since the start of covid when the OH took over the spare (guest) bedroom that was my mini office, craft space, as their at home office. And …

I’ve never had a look in since. But that’s a whole other story.

Tree gone, means desk ordered and, where the tree stood my crafting desk will have its permanent home. Thankfully we ordered from Canadian Tire, where I got my workstation desk from and, happily, they delivered within two days. So guess who has spent this entire week trying to figure out the instructions (several pages in three languages that I am sure were translated from Chinese to English, French, and Spanish by someone who speaks Portuguese.)

I am so glad the OH likes to be patient and methodical and read cover to cover, before assembled all the piece on the dining room floor (leaving us eating from the coffee table these last few days). But, as a result, we managed to piece together first the bottom section, then finalised the top section yesterday evening. And, tonight, we assemble the draws and those weird and fiddling runners. Always the hardest part.

And then? I’ll have a dedicated crafting table and space in one small corner of the lounge. Yay!

This weekend will be a bonus as we’re out with the sister in law tomorrow, and shopping with her is always great fun. Then, the icing on the cake is us going to the Videotron Centre to watch the Montreal Victoire women’s hockey team play their Ottawa counterparts.

What a great way to finish the week!

4 Comments Happy Things Friday

  1. Elisabeth

    Yay for another member of the Happy Things Friday, club.

    I am feeling so relieved it’s Friday. My daughter is having a sleepover with her grandparents, my husband and I are having sushi take-out for an at-home date night, and I am just READY FOR NORMALCY. After 4ish weeks of company, I’m ready to catch my breath and finally get my “fresh start” that I crave January 1st, but couldn’t really get this year.

    1. Alexandra

      Oh, indeed, I think this is a fun way to end every week by writing up about what made us happy.

      I totally agree with you about wanting to get back to some sense of normalacy. That 2 week period over Christmas seems to last a whole month, so yeah, it’s nice to get back to the routine and the quiet of getting things done.

      Enjoy your fresh start.

  2. Michelle G.

    Hi Alexandra! I’d say a new crafting desk is a wonderful, happy thing! Assembling furniture is always so frustrating – why are the instructions so impossible? I hope you have fun getting settled in your new desk.

    1. Alexandra

      We finally finished assembling it this morning, Michelle. I was so happy I can tell you as now, it looks great in the lounge. Just need to clear away a few old boxes, and I will have my own little haven.

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