Way back when, and I’m talking the mid-60s in Singapore, when my sister (who is ten years older than me) worked part time for an Army liaison officer. She was part of a team who organised rock bands tours and, as a result, I got to meet with some of the biggest musical bands of the era.
This included, at the time, over a 3 year period, bands such as The Rolling Stones, The Yardbirds (inc. Jimmy Page), the Walker Brothers, and later, Jimmy Page’s brand new band, Led Zeppelin. Then there was the Kinks, and Manfred Mann and later, Herman’s Hermits, with Peter Noone.
I can remember being in and around all these young up and coming rock stars of the day, dressed in my Sunday best, following my sister around as, star struck, she got autographs and propositioned to come on tour with them. I remember shaking hands and, at the very grown up age of 8, talking to various members of these bands like they were my older brother, asking about their mothers and family like we were all visiting together.
I often wonder what, if any, impression I left on any of them after our brief and sometimes, lengthy encounters. Especially as I had my photograph taken with any number of them. It would be fun to think that somewhere down the line, in a book, or museum, or on someone’s mantle piece, there’s me lurking in the background of a photo of a famous mega rock band who even now, are still rocking the world.
I wonder if my sister still has her collection of photos and autographs, along with probably some amazing memories?
Wow! Your life story continues to reveal some real gems. When is the book coming out?
Ha! Ha! I’m not sure I have it in me to actually write a book. Collect together all my posts and let someone else sort them out? Maybe … one day.
Till then I’ll just keep trawling my memories for post fodder.
Wow! This is so cool. You have lived a very unique and diverse life with so many experiences!!
As I’ve said, I’ve been lucky with being in the right place at the right time. If it wasn’t for my sister taking this part time position, and then her meeting the Adjutant, I would never have been there trailing around after her.
My sister had some amazing experiences through out her teenage years, that’s for sure.
That is super cool. I would not have minded meeting some of those in person. You’ve got some stories to tell.
As I said, I’ve been very fortunate and lucky to have been in the right place at the right time.
Alexandra, your life is so fascinating – and your writing captivating :). This is so cool that you met these icons and there are pictures floating about as proof!
I truly was very lucky. My sister I think had the perfect magnet, the cute little girl with blond hair, blue eyes in her party dress and shiny shoes following her around.