WeblogPoMo AMA #1

The first question I got asked for Annie’s #WeblogPoMo AMA (Ask Me Anything) challenge was from Lou Plummer in which he asks:

If you could work as a tour guide in one of the places you’ve traveled to, where would you pick? And why?”

Of course, for me, there is only one place and that’s Singapore. An island that was a huge part of my impressionable childhood years, those years from 8 through to 11. As an adult I’ve dreamed of and yes schemed to get back there for a visit, though it’s true the island I remember has changed, vastly, in the intervening years. And what was once a place of idyll life for me, is now a roaring metropolis of the 21st century, a tech hub, a tourist mecca, but still … As a tour guide? Hmm …

All those flashy hot spot amid the history and splendour of a place I remember maybe gives me a different perspective to be a Tour Guide. One able to recount the history in a way others cannot. I remember the riots during the 60s, I remember the civil unrest, I remember people being shot at, the undeclared war going on in the shadows between super powers like the US and UK, pushing to influence a people who wanted nothing to do with the colonialism of the day.

It’s easy to be a tour guide taking people to the Botanic Gardens, or to the Raffles Hotel, or one of the latest landmarks … but what about the advance of the Japanese on Singapore during WWII, or what happened at Changi prison? Or that, as a child, my parents and I met the Prime Minster of the day, Lee Kuan Yew.

I wonder if I would be an interesting tour guide, or not, given maybe the average tourist probably wouldn’t want to know any of the painful history of this tiny nation island.

Who knows.

NaBloPoMo: 4/30
WeblogPoMo #1

[grey_box]This post is part of NaBloPoMo where I write 30 blog posts in November. Thank you for reading and leaving me a comment, which is encouragement for me to finish this challenge. To follow along you can subscribe using the form provided in the sidebar or use RSS.[/grey_box]

4 Comments WeblogPoMo AMA #1

    1. Alexandra

      Oh, you got to visit Singapore? How wonderful. And Changi is a place of such heartache.

      Meanwhile, I’ve had a few people say they’d love it if I were their personal tour guide. It looks like I have a job if I want it.

  1. San

    Well, I believe that the painful history of places are also often intriguing and important to visit. As Germans, we know a thing or two about that.

    1. Alexandra

      Ah, yes, San, sad to say you understand all too well about painful histories. It’s a heavy burden for future generations to have to carry.

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