WeblogPoMo AMA #2

Another question I got asked for Annie’s #WeblogPoMo AMA (Ask Me Anything) challenge was from Annie Muller (yes, another Annie), she wanted to know:

What is a habit that’s either very long-standing or has had a big impact in your life (or both)?”


What’s your favorite time of day, and why?”

First up, let’s start with the easier question, my favourite time of day has got to be mornings, early mornings. Especially as I have a habit of waking up somewhere around 5am for a pee. Which in and of itself you’d think would be annoying but … I’ve learnt to turn around what was once an annoyance to a positive. I now take the time to open the curtains and peak outside, and spend a couple of minutes marvelling at the world beyond. Sometimes I give up any thought of going back to bed and, instead, brew a cup of green tea, sit on the couch with a blanket, and either read or just stare out into the dark pondering life’s mysteries.

It’s funny what pops into your head when you stop thinking about anything specific.

As to Annie’s second question? Hmm … I’m not sure I have any long standing habits these days. I think I’ve broken myself of most of the annoying ones a long time since; like chewing my nails till I was 17, sucking my finger till I was 5 and started school, or carrying a stuffed bush baby plushy everywhere I went till the age of 3, till I threw it overboard on a boat.

There was also my habit of watching the news while eating breakfast. But watching the twin towers fall live on TV, one morning, broke me of that habit. In shock, like half the world, I couldn’t bring myself to watch the morning news for well over a decade.

I do, I suppose, have one new habit that stated in the spring of 2019, the year before covid hit. When my partner and I were planning a month long trip to Paris in the fall of 2020, and I needed to get in shape for the trip. It was walking. But, as we all know, covid locked down us and the entire planet, we didn’t go anywhere for 2 years. I did, however, walk with a vengeance. I started walked for at least 5 minutes of every hour every day, for that entire year. Not only did I gain muscle mass, but lost weight too. The upshot of that one year, which continued into 2021 and then, 2022, became my new habit.

Now I only walk about three and a half minutes every hour. But still, with everything else I do throughout the day. I walk over 7000 steps each and every day. It really has been one of the best habits and decisions I ever made.

And you, what’s your favourite time of day, and what long standing habits do you have, if any?

NaBloPoMo: 6/30
WeblogPoMo #2

[grey_box]This post is part of NaBloPoMo where I write 30 blog posts in November. Thank you for reading and leaving me a comment, which is encouragement for me to finish this challenge. To follow along you can subscribe using the form provided in the sidebar or use RSS.[/grey_box]

14 Comments WeblogPoMo AMA #2

  1. NGS

    I walk a lot, too. I was a walker before I had a dog and now that I have a dog, it’s three walks a day no matter what. I feel like a walk without the dog is wasted time!

    I read before bed and I always have. I don’t think I could ever break that habit.

    1. Alexandra

      I love that I rediscovered my love of walking and yes, I can see how a dog can help and make a difference. Part of walking for me is exploring my neighbourhood, and taking photos, a hobby I love.

      And I forgot, I guess my longest habit is reading before bed too.

  2. Steve

    As someone who is far more of a night owl than a morning person it’s hard to imagine 5am being a favorite time of the day 🙂 Too many times in my life, 5am is the time I realize I should stop working on some project and get to sleep.

    Walking is a great habit to get into!

    1. Alexandra

      Ah, you sound like my partner then. As I’m waking up they too are thinking maybe they should stop gaming and get a couple of hours sleep!

      And walking is the best. I’m glad I rediscovered it.

  3. Tobia | craftaliciousme

    That is such a great habit. Specially integrating it every hour. That is next level. Where do you walk though? Just inside the house in circles? A treadmill? Outside?

    I am intruiged. I try to do at least 10 minutes outside since October and so far only one day missed but it’s taken effort specially with rain and cold season coming up.

    1. Alexandra

      It was a friend who said to start doing it this way as it was easier, and far more achievable esp. on a busy day.

      Usually I walk outside as there is a small park just thirty meters from our apt. side door. In bad weather, I walk in the apartment, and yes, I do circuits.

      In summer or really good weather I go further afield and walk for maybe an hour and try get the steps in that way.

  4. Meike

    Walking is a good habit to have. I do walk a lot but have never thought about tracking it.
    I love the hours at night best when everyone is already in bed sleeping and everything is quiet. I am a night owl so if it was up to me I would go to bed late and get up late but for now that is not an option.

    1. Alexandra

      I bought an iWatch just before the pandemic hit because we were going on holiday, but, as is, it came in very handy these last 5 years.

      Being a night owl sounds fun too, I’d love to be able to stay up late but my body clock shuts down at 11.

  5. Melissa

    I am not a morning person. Probably my favourite is evening, because the day is nearly done and that is when I relax with Hubby, watch TV and then read a book. What a good habit to have. I walk a lot too, because I hate driving, and we can walk to a lot of places from home.

    1. Alexandra

      I do love the evening too for just that, sitting on the couch, catching up with my partner, and just hanging out together.

      And it looks like everyone has got the walking bug. Were you a walker before covid, or did you start after?

      1. Melissa

        I’ve been a runner for the last 10 years or so and always walked fairly regularly. For instance if I had time I would walk to the shops instead of driving and we would walk our dog but I really got more into walking during COVID. After COVID, I feel like people forgot how to drive and were really bad so I dislike driving now. We have moved to a neighbourhood where I can walk to heaps more places so I maybe drive once a week now. I also bought an e-bike so I can get even further without having to get in the car.

        1. Alexandra

          Oh, now isn’t that funny about the driving habit? My OH said the very same thing recently. Saying they too preferred to walk to work, which they do every day because of bad drivers and not feeling comfortable behind the wheel.

          I wonder how many more of us took up walking more because of Covid though. Oh, and an e-bike? I’m hearing about these more and more from various friends. They sounds like a great alternative.

    1. Alexandra

      Oh, I know you are a big walker, as it seems quite a few of the ladies taking part in NaBloPoMo. I’m trying to do more, but with winter approaching …

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