WeblogPoMo AMA #3 (and then some)

Today I thought to answer a few questions asked for the WeblogPoMo AMA challenge:

What’s your comfort movie/show/piece of media, and – if you feel like sharing – why?

This one is easy. My go to comfort movie is The Fifth Element. I have lost count the number of times I have watched this movie, as I watch it at least 5-6 times a year. If I need a pick-me-up for any reason whatsoever, and sometimes, for no reason at all, I slot the DVD in, press play and escape.

If you were going to be stranded on an island by yourself for 30 days, what are the top three things you would take with you and why? No need to take food, clothes or basic supplies, as those will be provided.

I would have to say:

  1. A wind-up radio so I’d have the news and music whenever I want.
  2. My bed, of course, so I’d get a decent night’s sleep every night under the stars.
  3. And, of course, finally, the OH as I’d never hear the end of it otherwise.

Guilty pleasure?

Ha! As anyone who knows me and knows me well will tell you, it’s Marmite. Yes, I am one of those people.

If you could have any one superpower, what would it be and why?

When I was a kid and read way too many comics (DC and Marvel, I wasn’t picky) I loved Wonder Woman and wanted to be her when I grew up, but also wanted to be Superman (Supergirl) because he could fly. The idea of being able to just leap up and fly off somewhere, anywhere (and not freeze to death or suffocate at altitude) appealed to me big time.

If you happen to win the lottery, what would be the first transaction you would do with your new wealth?

Easy. Buy a house big enough for me and mine, that would also have enough room for the MiL as well. Yes, we get along well.

NaBloPoMo: 22/30

[grey_box]This post is part of NaBloPoMo where I write 30 blog posts in November. Thank you for reading and leaving me a comment, which is encouragement for me to finish this challenge. To follow along you can subscribe using the form provided in the sidebar or use RSS.[/grey_box]

10 Comments WeblogPoMo AMA #3 (and then some)

  1. J

    Nice answers! I am not sure if I have ever had marmite.

    I would love to buy a compound of sorts, where there were several houses. So my In Laws could have a house, my daughter could have a house, we could have a house. With room for everyone to have their own space. That would be my big purchase if I won a lot of money in the lotto. Not sure what else. I mean, our little townhouse needs a lot of work, but I would be buying new houses, so who cares? I guess cars, ours are old. And maybe a dog if I could talk my husband into it. One reason he doesn’t want one is how expensive they are, so that would solve that. Oh, and I’d plan a long vacation!

    1. Alexandra

      Oh, J, you would know if you’ve had marmite, believe me. It has a very distinctive taste. People either love it or hate it. Me? I love it.

      Oh, now we’re talking A compounds sounds like a great idea, a gated community even to house various members of the family. And I guess a car of some sort would be great too, and you’re not the only one who would love a dog or three. Especially as we’ve just bought this new compound with all that space, right?

  2. iHanna

    I ❤ superman. I’d get a house too, a big one with loads of room for creativity and my supplies – but also: organizing & weekly cleaning help so I would not have to do it all myself! What a dream.

    1. Alexandra

      I loved the comics as a kid. I always dreamed of flying one day. I thought all I had to do was grow up and it would happen. Ah, such innocence.

      I guess if we all get these big houses it follows that we need to hire a cleaning company on a weekly/monthly basis. Oh, and space for crafting would be a must. A whole room dedicate to art! One day, right?

  3. Meike

    I have no strong feelings about Marmite. Our elementary school had an international night every year where people would bring foods from other countries. I got to try Marmite on one of those occasions – probably would not buy it but liked it well enough.
    The 5th Element is an excellent movie choice in my opinion.

    1. Alexandra

      Marmite is one of those weird foods people can either like or hate. It’s a great accompaniment to other foods, like cheese, or in soups and stews for flavour.

      The 5th Element is in my top 5 if not top 3 all time favourite movies.

  4. Steve

    I can honestly say I have no idea at all what marmite is like, but now that you mention it, it has been a long time since I saw The Fifth Element. I love your caveat about your superpower. Not many people think of what would happen to you if you flew too high or whatever. Not enough Greek mythology taught in schools, I suppose.

    1. Alexandra

      Marmite is typically a UK thing not really a worldwide phenom as such. Just as Vegemite is an Aussie thing.

      Yeah, people say, oh I’d like this super power or that super power all without thinking about consequences. There’s always a flip side to having gifts just as Icarus!

    1. Alexandra

      You’d remember if you had tasted it, believe me San. It’s a distinctive malt and beefy taste, although it’s a yeast extract (so vegan) it’s pungent and quite strong. But me? I love it on toast and cheese sandwiches, in stews. It’s very versatile.

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