Alexandra's Notebook

8 Adult Things I Do | 2024 OAP Edition

I have a mammogram every other year
Post menopause, and past having kids, I hope, I still go regularly for my pap smears and mammogram, but now, I do them every couple of years (as recommended). Believe me, Ladies, this is not something you should skip, ever.

I go to bed early
As in, I mean, by 10:30 pm every night. Nothing to do with a pandemic and everything being closed, and more to do with a change in life-style choices and, as I'm not as young as I once was, I no longer want to go out late at night. Doesn't matter if I'm reading a good book, I'm in bed by 10:30.

Tax returns are a breeze
No, really. After doing them for, well, too many decades, it's become almost rote. And, after all, now you can upload software, go through it step by step, and, of course being semi-retired, it really is easier to do at this age than in years gone by. Thank god for getting older.

I have savings
Yes, thank you pandemic. I no longer go outside, or shop (even online) so guess what? That every day latte, or lunch out money is now resting in a high interest savings account and accruing me enough for, I hope, another holiday in Europe. Or, at the very least, a small nest egg and financial buffer for future things to come.

My bank is a Co-op
Yes, I own part of my own bank. Well, I'm a paid up member and can buy shares, if I want. I can even participate in elections for said bank. The advantages are numerous with this arrangement, but also, like any bank, it can have its downside. Usually fees.

I'm old enough to not give a fuck
Yep, you bet I no longer give a nickel what most strangers think. I'm living my own life, my way without hurting anyone else. And if how I live my life offends you in any way, then you're the problem not me.

I haggle
And you should too. Being my age though probably has its advantages. When I bought the new bed I haggled with the salesman about pricing and then, got quite a substantial discount. I think I wore him down and he just wanted to get rid of me. I did the same thing buying a series of carpets. I was buying several for the new apartment, so yes, I wanted to get the best price possible.

And yes, I complain
If I'm paying for something, I have a certain set of expectations, especially with equipment like white goods for the house. And if they fail to meet expectations—like not lasting past 3 years for example—you bet I'll complain and demand to know why or ask for a replacement.

And you, do you Adult with the best of them?

#100DaysToOffload #Musings