8 Adult Things I Do

I have a mammogram every other year
Post menopause, and past having kids, I hope, I still go regularly for my pap smears and mammogram, but now, I do them every couple of years (as recommended). Believe me, Ladies, this is not something you should skip, ever.

I go to bed early
As in, I mean, by 10:30 pm every night. Nothing to do with a pandemic and everything being closed, and more to do with a change in life-style choices and, as I’m not as young as I once was, I no longer want to go out late at night. Doesn’t matter if I’m reading a good book, I’m in bed by 10:30.

Tax returns are a breeze
No, really. After doing them for, well, too many decades, it’s become almost rote. And, after all, now you can upload software, go through it step by step, and, of course being semi-retired, it really is easier to do at this age than in years gone by. Thank god for getting older.

I have savings
Yes, thank you pandemic. I no longer go outside, or shop (even online) so guess what? That every day latte, or lunch out money is now resting in a high interest savings account and accruing me enough for, I hope, another holiday in Europe. Or, at the very least, a small nest egg and financial buffer for future things to come.

My bank is a Co-op
Yes, I own part of my own bank. Well, I’m a paid up member and can buy shares, if I want. I can even participate in elections for said bank. The advantages are numerous with this arrangement, but also, like any bank, it can have its downside. Usually fees.

I’m old enough to not give a fuck
Yep, you bet I no longer give a nickel what most strangers think. I’m living my own life, my way without hurting anyone else. And if how I live my life offends you in any way, then you’re the problem not me.

I haggle
And you should too. Being my age though probably has its advantages. When I bought the new bed I haggled with the salesman about pricing and then, got quite a substantial discount. I think I wore him down and he just wanted to get rid of me. I did the same thing buying a series of carpets. I was buying several for the new apartment, so yes, I wanted to get the best price possible.

And yes, I complain
If I’m paying for something, I have a certain set of expectations, especially with equipment like white goods for the house. And if they fail to meet expectations—like not lasting past 3 years for example—you bet I’ll complain and demand to know why or ask for a replacement.

And you, do you Adult with the best of them?

NaBloPoMo: 8/30

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22 Comments 8 Adult Things I Do

  1. NGS

    My healthcare provider recommends a mammogram every year and every year I go and they say “you have dense breast tissue and we can’t tell jack from your mammogram – good luck and do self exams” and I get irritated by it.

    I am irritated by haggling. I am irritated by having to do taxes which the government has all the information for ALREADY and should just do for me. I am irritated by having to make decisions about large purchases like new appliances and cars.

    Basically, I find adulting a series of irritations.

    (Yes, I’m obviously FINE right now. There’s nothing WRONG. I’m a bottle of sunshine.)

    1. Alexandra

      What? How awful to say that to any woman and then expect (and hope) her health care rests on self exams.

      I know what you mean in that we shouldn’t have to haggle about anything, from cars to furniture, to governments, and life in general. It’s the kind of world we find ourselves living in.

      And sometimes I think adulting is so over rated.

  2. J

    Oh, I can comment now! The first couple of times I came by there was no comment option. Yay!

    I have always gotten my mammograms every year, not every other. Now I’m due, and deciding whether I want to stick to that or go with current guidelines. I think I will probably go get it done. I’ve had too many friends go through breast cancer.

    1. Alexandra

      Oh, how weird is that? I didn’t know. I need to check why it did that. I am looking at using a different theme as this one is very limiting. So maybe that will help.

      I know for some it’s so important to go every year, where possible. Here, were I live, they still recommend every other year for my age group.

        1. Alexandra

          Oh, okay, I guess that makes sense. Still annoying. But maybe this won’t be a problem with the new theme.

  3. Karen

    I just had my mammogram and results are clear. Every 2 years for me. Breast cancer is the most treatable if caught early. A friend of mine just reached her 10 year survival mark, and we are thrilled for her. Next up is my 3rd colonoscopy -next year. Very important too!

    1. Alexandra

      Oh, that’s wonderful news both for you and your friend. And yes, if caught early, so treatable these days. I really cannot stress enough to everyone the importance, especially if it runs in the family.

      I can’t say I loved getting a colonoscopy done (first one last year), but having read about the rise in bowl cancer, it’s another on the must do list.

  4. Elisabeth

    I just listened to a podcast episode where one of the hosts was recently diagnosed with breast cancer. I was so thankful she was willing to share her story so early after learning about the diagnosis in an attempt to remind women to get their mammograms done! I am still in my 30s, but will be getting one done as soon as I hit 40. I also need to make a note to follow up about my PAP. I can’t remember how many years ago I had my last one! It’s easy to forget (not exactly a fun thing to do every few years), but I want to make sure I’m up-to-date.

    1. Alexandra

      After reading and hearing on the news about how many younger women are getting cervical and breast cancer, I’m always telling my younger nieces to get a check up, especially after 30. Both are unpleasant but both so necessary in prevention.

  5. iHanna

    Great idea for a blog post. I think I’m bad at adulting overall, but I like that with age I feel at least more secure in myself & know what I like, need and can handle better.

    Happy weekend.

    1. Alexandra

      Thanks, Hanna. I think we’re all inherently bad at adulting if we’re honest with ourselves. But we do improve with age or, at least, I like to think so too. I guess like anything, it take practise. And the more we practise the better we get, at least, that’s the idea.

      Have a great weekend yourself.

  6. Meike

    Also getting my mammograms on schedule. One of my friends just was diagnosed but it was caught early thankfully. It’s still scary.
    I thought I would never get to the point when I would be caring less what others think of me but I am getting there. One of the joys of getting older I think.
    I do not like to haggle. My husband loves it, so I think we even out each other and if I need someone to haggle he is right there.

    1. Alexandra

      It’s when you hear a friend or family member has had a scare that reminds us to make sure we’re up to date on our own screening. So so important.

      I guess men do love to haggle more than we do. But I’ve found myself doing it more and more for big ticket items as I’ve gotten older, especially when I know there’s always leeway on prices.

      And yeah, getting older has a few perks.

  7. Tobia | craftaliciousme

    I feel like all I am doing is adulting but it is probably not true.

    I am not yet in the age where a mammography is recommended.
    However I am strict about going to my check-ups – no matter which doctor – a pay for that and so I am doing it. And it’s much better to prevent than to fix.

    I don’s own a bank but I try to do wise money choices to the best to my ability.

    Still working on a few things you mentioned here.

    1. Alexandra

      It’s true we adult every day, but also, we try to avoid some duties we shouldn’t like our health. It’s good that you are starting now and taking care to get check ups regularly.

      My bank is a big co-operative here in Quebec, and one of the best to be a member of. But sometimes we can’t always have a choice.

      As for the rest? You’ll make your own list one day with what’s important to you.

  8. Stephany

    I asked my doctor if I could get a mammogram/colonoscopy early, but unfortunately, since I’m not at increased risk, I have to wait. But knowing more and more people in their 30s who are getting breast cancer/colon cancer, it’s scary!

    Adulting things I do: get regular skin checks, get my yearly well-women’s check, go for my yearly physical, and THERAPY. I just restarted after being out of therapy for a year, and I am so glad I’m back.

    1. Alexandra

      I’m not a fan of doctors dissuading patients from getting exams, but I suppose they don’t want to alarm people and or put too much pressure on the system. But still, if someone ask, I’d hope they would follow through, especially as you say, they’re finding cancers in younger and younger age groups.

      Keep up with your other yearly check ups!

  9. San

    I am adulting just fine but often feel like I don’t know how I got here, I cannot be old enough to be left to my own devices LOL

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