A Day in the Life Of …

Of course, all events that happened in, this is a day in the life of … happened yesterday so I could post it as today’s #NaBloPoMo offering.

Time I woke up: 5:15 a.m. Yeah, I wasn’t happy I can tell you. Stupid bladder.

First thing I did upon waking: Go for a pee … no, seriously. I have a bladder the size of a thimble.

Today’s weather: Wild and stormy. The winds are lashing the trees outside.

Something I spent money on today: A freshly baked baguette.

An out-of-the-ordinary thing that happened today: The kitchen sink backed up, again. We’ve been waiting 2 weeks to get the drain(s) seen to. Every time someone’s dishwasher or washing machine empties, our sink backs up with water and bubbles. We’ve had two mini floods already.

Last thing I read (not on the Internet): The back of a noodle packet we’re having as part of dinner tonight.

Last thing I read (on the Internet): Comments on my blog, checking to see who I need to answer.

Last text I sent: Hey, teriyaki and noodles for dinner tonight? (sent to the OH)

Last text I received: Yep, that’ll do, pig! (from the OH)

Last website I visited: The Guardian newspaper online.

Last show I watched: Int. Chinatown, on Disney

Last podcast I listened to: None …

Last thing I said: Eh, I’m too polite to repeat it here, in public.

Last thing I ate: A chocolate chip cookie.

What I was doing an hour ago: Making a brew.

What I will be doing an hour from now: Probably making dinner.

Current whereabouts of other members of my household: In our home office next door to me.

One thing I crossed off my to-do list today: Scheduling my appointment with the dental hygienist.

NaBloPoMo: 23/30

[grey_box]This post is part of NaBloPoMo where I write 30 blog posts in November. Thank you for reading and leaving me a comment, which is encouragement for me to finish this challenge. To follow along you can subscribe using the form provided in the sidebar or use RSS.[/grey_box]

14 Comments A Day in the Life Of …

  1. Kyria @ Travel Spot

    Oh the joys of a pea bladder. I have the same issue and am always the one on a road trip asking the driver to stop at the next gas station. On the flip side, I do drink a lot of coffee, so the first few hours of the morning are always fun on the bathroom front.

    A fresh baguette sounds great. When I was in Quebec I was buying them a lot but here in the states, it is not as common, or as inexpensive to get them easily.

    1. Alexandra

      Oh, good to know I’m not the only one with this problem. I feel like I pee more through the night than I do during the day, despite all the tea I drink.

      I’m addicted to buying a fresh baguette most days as well as the odd croissant. So cheap and yet, soooo delicious.

  2. Karen MEG

    Cute post, I love seeing this snapshot of a day in the life.
    And you are not alone in your “awakeness” at 5 AM – I am there in sisterhood solidarity. In fact I’ve gone to the gym for 8:15 AMclass the last few weeks because I have already been up for half a day :).
    I have to catch up on blog reading !

    1. Alexandra

      Ah, another pea bladder ember of the club! Is this a women thing? Yeah, I should convert this new found early start to my day with more exercise given I live right next door to a YWCA. But I need encouragement.

  3. J

    I generally wake up at 5:15 or so, which I do not like. Today I woke up at 5:45 and kind of dozed and tried to will myself back to sleep, but had to admit defeat at about 6:30 and get up. I have to get up at least once a night to pee, sometimes twice. Bah.

    1. Alexandra

      This definitely looks like a thing us ladies do, we could start our own club at this rate. While I hate waking up that early, there are day (like mid summer) where it’s perfect, as I get so much done. Not so much during winter.

  4. Elisabeth

    Ugh – I had some flashbacks to a rather disastrous kitchen-sink backup we had a few years ago. The worst!!! At one point we couldn’t use our sink or dishwasher for a week and also had several mini floods. I hope you’re able to get it looked after ASAP.

    1. Alexandra

      So you know what I’m talking about when I say about the mess and the smell! It’s the worst. And sorry to hear you’ve had to go through this too.

      Our maintenance is supposed to be coming tomorrow, but I’m not holding my breath, as they have cancelled 3 times so far. This has been going on over 2 weeks now. I’m just praying it gets resolved tomorrow.

  5. NGS

    I wake up and have to go to the bathroom every morning. My husband is often awake for an hour or two before he goes to the bathroom. How does he do it?!

    1. Alexandra

      Join the ladies club, we all seem to have to pee at least once through the night. And your husband must have great bladder control, I’m almost envious.

  6. Stephany

    Oh yes, first-thing-in-the-morning bladder club here! I’m grateful I don’t have to get up multiple times a night to pee YET, but I’m sure that’s coming my way soon.

  7. San

    That was fun to read 🙂 Luckily, my bladder does NOT get me up before I have to get up but yeah, I also pee first thing after the alarm goes off LOL

    1. Alexandra

      I don’t know anyone who doesn’t pee first thing but, sad to say, for some of us getting older means peeing at least once if not twice through the night. They never mentioned this in the memo.

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