I was woken at a few minute past 1 am this morning to a bright white light filling the room. I thought the Angels had finally come to take me. I sat up in bed, with a start, and not a little terrified.
Thankfully, no, it wasn’t the Angels, for one thing, there was no heavenly choir singing. It was the damn iMac updating because, guess who forgot to do it during daylight hours. Yes, that would be me. Despite sticking a post-it note to the mac to remind me to do so. I got side tracked and, having passed through a doorway, totally forgot to come back and do it.
Hence the heavenly bright light.
Got up and made a brew instead and went back to bed at around 2 am, grumpy as hell. And no, I ain’t in a better mood this morning.
Bah humbug!