Christmas Eve, Eve

Or is today called Christmas Adam? I think I heard that said somewhere, but I couldn’t swear on it. So me and mine are having a much needed quiet day at home today, it was supposed to be a spare day, one we could fill if needed if we didn’t get what we wanted done over the weekend. But, thankfully, we were lucky enough to finish most of our last minute needs on Saturday, and Sunday, helped out the SiL. So that today, even though we might have all met up at the German Christmas Fair … we chose not too.

It’s just too darn cold, and besides, as my sister in law is hosting everyone Christmas eve, she’s busy today doing last minute stuff in the kitchen, or groceries. Which gave me and mine a free day. Yeah! I’m down with that. It’s going to be busy enough the next couple of days without it being five days in a row of running around doing errands, though I’m sure my SiL would have liked to have my help today, we live on opposite side of the city.

Well, in fact, they live half way up the Beaupre Coast, a 40 minute car ride away, so it’s difficult to just hop on over. We don’t have a car anymore. Living in the city we decided it was an extra expense we just didn’t need.

All that aside. We’ll be taking a couple of things over to the sister in law’s place tomorrow. We’re all supposed to be there early for a 10-10:30 am brunch to kick off the festivities for the next few days. So, as I understand it, my nephew and his girlfriend will pick us up on the way past. And we can all do car karaoke en route. With, of course, a quick stop to grab drinks at the Timmies on the way there. Something that’s become a tradition.

Brunch will be a help yourself open buffet of the usual ranging from full on bacon and eggs to muffins and croissants and jam. Believe me when I tell you, there will be a lot of food on offer tomorrow.

Brunch is over when the last person falls into a chair in a carb coma. The afternoon is usually fun activities, finishing touches to cookies, cakes, and anything else my sister in law has lined up for us. Including silly games. Then, if anyone still has room to eat, there are snacks placed around the lounge for anyone daring enough. Knowing that at around 6 there will be another help yourself Quebecois buffet.

We’ll be able to choose between bacon wrapped mini sausages, assorted finger food, meat pies, meatballs in gravy, and an assortment of veg. If anyone is still awake and not nodding off in another carb coma we usually all gather in one spot then at about 8 pm to do the presents swapping.

There was a time, when various kids were there, that one of the men dressed up as Santa and arrived at the door with a huge sack and presents were given out starting with the kids first. But these days it’s a little more of a free for all as various adults rifle what’s under the Christmas tree. It’s at this point I’d prefer to be wearing a pair of ear defenders as it can get boisterous and noisy to the Nth degree.

By 10 – 10:30 ish, when everyone is satiated and a little tipsy, designated drivers usually start hustling those of us destined for home, home, and those who are crashing in the basement, wander downstairs to watch movies or find a cot to crash in.

Lucky for me and mine, we get driven home to crash in our own bed. Which is just as well, as Christmas day, it all starts again.

Well, sort off. This year, as far as I know, we’re hosting just my mother in law. Oh how quiet the day is going to be in comparison. Boxing day we’re all supposed to be meeting up at the mall for, yes, you guessed it, Boxing Day sales and mayhem!

How will I survive? I need a secret flask …

And you, what do you have in store over the next few days, where you are?

Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

4 Comments Christmas Eve, Eve

  1. Elisabeth

    A few years ago a blog reader told me about calling the Eve of Christmas Eve Christmas Adam and we have been doing it ever since. It really does make the day more special to have a specific title for it! And we celebrate Christmas Adam in a big way with a very specific meal which happens to be my husband’s favourite of the entire year! (A seafood casserole.)

    1. Alexandra

      Ah, I knew I had read about Christmas Adam somewhere. It must have been on your blog, Elisabeth. And I love how you celebrate it just as much as Eve and Christmas Day.

      Boxing Day here for us is another busy family visiting day. We were out this morning, and might see my OHs nephew and his girlfriend later this afternoon.

      I hope you’ve been enjoying the holidays with family and friends.

  2. Tobia | craftaliciousme

    I have never heard of the term Christmas Adam but then read a few days ago on Elisabeth blog. It took me a while to understand what she was referring too.

    It sounds your day was busy but filled with fun.

    1. Alexandra

      It was through Elisabeth that I learn that it was called Christmas Adam too. How funny is that? I’ve never heard the term before. Now I’ll endeavour to make it a fun special day too.

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