Colbert asked the questions and I’m giving the answers (and you can too).
- Best sandwich? Croque Maman.
- What’s one thing you own that you really should throw out? Hoodie.
- What is the scariest animal? Humans.
- Apples or oranges? Neither, bananas.
- Have you ever asked someone for their autograph? Yes.
- What do you think happens when we die? Nothing.
- Favourite action movie? Alien.
- Favourite smell? Fresh coffee.
- Least favourite smell? Vomit.
- Exercise: worth it? In small doses.
- Flat or sparkling? Sparkling.
- Most used app on your phone? Messages.
- You get one song to listen to for the rest of your life: what is it? You’re joking, right?
- What number am I thinking of? 12.
- Describe the rest of your life in 5 words? Photo clicking book reading wanderer.
So, dear reader, what are your answers?
Fun questions!
Best sandwich? Ruben
What’s one thing you own that you really should throw out? The stack of paper on the desk in the living room that I keep meaning to “file,” but really probably should just be recycled.
What is the scariest animal? Humans.
Apples or oranges? Oranges. (Tangerines, really.)
Have you ever asked someone for their autograph? Yes.
What do you think happens when we die? Nothing.
Favourite action movie? Mad Max Fury Road
Favourite smell? My husband right out of the shower
Least favourite smell? The litter box
Exercise: worth it? Yes.
Flat or sparkling? Sparkling.
Most used app on your phone? Podcast Addict
You get one song to listen to for the rest of your life: what is it? “I Don’t Have to Wonder” by Garth Brooks
What number am I thinking of? 63.
Describe the rest of your life in 5 words? Trying, striving, loving, working, doing
Aren’t they just? I love answering stuff like this and then, seeing what others answer as well.
And gotta love your favourite smell. That one had me smiling! Plus, your five word description? Yep, agreed.
I answered this same questionnaire recently too!
Oh, great, I’m off to go have a read.
After reading this post, I have drafted my own to follow suit. These are so much fun. Stay tuned as I’m going to answer them all on my blog in the coming weeks!
*SUIT…not suite!
Ooo, I can’t wait. And I’ll correct your whoopsie for you. 🙂
LOL on vomit, you are right! Also Engie with the cat box! Both gross.
This is a great list. I’ve never had a Croque Maman (or Madame or Mssr) Maybe next time I’m in France, or if I ever make it to Quebec!
Totally agree on the cat litter as well. And cat puke. Ugh!
Oh, you definitely have to have a Croque Maman which is slightly different to the Mssr. Both equally as tasty. Come and visit us up!
Fun. I might do what Elisabeth is doing and make it a blog post. I agree about the vomit though, I tend to start at least dry retching when someone else has vomited. You are braver than me, Alien is terrifying.
Oh, yes, please do, the more that join in the merrier. It’s always fun to read everyone’s answers.
Alien was just one of those films that has stuck with me over the years. I saw it on the day of release in Leicester Square in London, and it scared me silly at the time.
I did this on my blog last year for NaBloPoMo – it’s a fun one!
Mmm, fresh coffee. The best smell!
I love the smell even more because I can no longer drink it, Stephany!
This is fun. Should I do my own?
I am already struggling with the first question since we don’t have a sandwich culture in Germany or they don’t have names…
Oh I would love it if you try. I love reading people’s lists of things they like or love.
True, sandwich culture is big in North America. They do love sandwiches here.