Creature Comforts

Spurred on by Dave’s post about what he found Comforting To Me. I thought to add a few thoughts of my own on what comforts me, especially on wet dreary autumn days, when there’s barely a leaf left on any of the trees, it’s things like:

  • My partner, who I’ve been with through thick and thin (though it’s true, neither of us is pretty thin these days) but 26 years, and counting, we still haven’t murder one another (yet!), so I have to say they’re my biggest comfort in life.
  • A comforting cup of hot cocoa, except, I can no longer make one with milk (intolerant) or any plant-based derivative (salmonella outbreaks) something I will miss this coming winter.
  • Music is another comfort I use through out the day, especially  if I’m feeling out of sorts. And not the usual pop, no, I turn to the classics or my go-to music, opera. Yes, you wouldn’t think to look at me that I’d be an opera buff, but I am, but in an amateurish way. I don’t super geek out on different singers, but I am partial to Callas, of course.
  • I also find a lot of comfort and solace in old black and white movies, especially those from the 40s and 50s, and the old Ealing comedy classics. A lot which I used to watch, as a kid, with my mother. It’s something that ties me to her, and my childhood.
  • Singing, yes, I know, it’s like loving the opera. What you say, she sings as well? However out of key it might be, I enjoy singing and yes, you guessed it, opera. Not that I always know all the words or sing them in the right key, but hey, who the hell cares? What, the neighbours? Probably. Singing is not only one of my guilty pleasures, it lifts my spirit.
  • And finally, like Dave, there’s nothing like going to bed early and curling up with a good book, or listening to the radio, or just snuggling into the blankets and forgetting about what’s going on in the world.

And you, what brings you the most comfort?

NaBloPoMo: 2/30

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12 Comments Creature Comforts

  1. iHanna

    Great list of comforts in life! I think it’s a great idea to keep lists like this too, to remind ourselves of what we need or could use when we need comfort, joy or calmness for example.

    Happy NaBloPoMo!

    1. Alexandra

      I love making lists as it’s a great way to remind ourselves of things to be thankful for in our lives. And this one is as much about that as it is about comfort.

  2. San

    I love your list of comforts. Family and friends are definitely comfort for me in this fast-moving world. Also, my morning cup of (milk) coffee. I don’t really drink it for the caffeine, but for the comfort. At least that’s what I am telling myself.

    1. Alexandra

      I don’t think any of us would survive these days without family and friends, life has gotten so chaotic these days. And I miss my morning milky coffee. Sadly, I can’t drink milk or coffee for health reasons. I’m now a keen green tea drinker.

    1. Alexandra

      Steal away. I’m going to steal your 10 Things. And yes, a good book last thing at night really helps me sleep. I don’t know why, maybe it’s how our brains work.

  3. NGS

    Is there anything more comforting than a purring cat on your chest when you’re laying down on the couch and there’s bad weather outside? I just love the coziness of the Cat Vibe.

    I found you through NaBloPoMo and I’m excited to get to know you better!

    1. Alexandra

      Sadly, while I love cats, I’m also allergic so no purring cat for me.But yes, that cat vibe is all about comfort and slowing down and taking it easy!

      And thank you for stopping by to say hello. I’m so looking forward to getting to know everyone better as well.

  4. Jenny

    Oh, I love lists of comforts. Getting in bed early with a good book is one of my favorite things to do. As well as… getting home from work, putting my pajamas on right away, and lighting a fall candle.
    Oh and I also like classical music and opera : )

    1. Alexandra

      Oh, I like the idea of getting into your PJs after work and lighting a mood candle. That must be really relaxing. And good to have another book and classical music lover.

  5. Melissa

    It’s good to know what you find comforting, so you can pick something that you need in the moment. I love time with a good book, a nice warm bath, watching TV with my husband after dinner.

    1. Alexandra

      Oh, indeed, I couldn’t agree more. And I love that we share so much in common including books and sitting on the couch to watch TV in the evening with the OH.

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