Colbert asked the questions, and I’m giving the answers.
1. Best sandwich? — Croque Maman.
2. What’s one thing you own that you really should throw out? — A hoodie.
3. What is the scariest animal? — Humans.
4. Apples or oranges? — Neither, bananas.
5. Have you ever asked someone for their autograph? — Yes.
6. What do you think happens when we die? — Nothing.
7. Favourite action movie? — The 5th Element.
8. Favourite smell? — Fresh mown grass.
9. Least favourite smell? — Vomit.
10. Exercise: worth it? — In small doses.
11. Flat or sparkling? — Sparkling.
12. Most used app on your phone? — Messages.
13. You get one song to listen to for the rest of your life: what is it? — You’re joking, right?
14. What number am I thinking of? — 12.
15. Describe the rest of your life in 5 words? — Photo clicking tea drinking wanderer.
And you, what would your answers be?