I’m A Science Fiction Nerd And — This Is My Genre #Tag

Having missed blogging for a few days due to one thing and another, not least of which I had an upset stomach (and let’s face it, no one wants to hear about that!) I’m back with a book #tag post talking about my favourite genre: science fiction.

What is your favourite genre?

Ha! As if readers stopping by my blog don’t already now, but in case you didn’t, it’s science fiction. And the even broader umbrella: speculative fiction.

Who is your favourite author in this genre?

One? Only one? You’re kidding me … I’d have to say, as a child, maybe Robert A. Heinlein, but in my teenage years it was probably Anne McCaffrey and C. J. Cherryh I read the most. It’s hard to choose only one because recently, I’d have to go with Michael Mammay and Megan E. O’Keefe as my picks, or maybe Cally Black. 

What is it about the genre that keeps pulling you back?

I’ve said it before, it’s the sheer scope and range of the genre that’s epic: from space opera, to military SF, climate SF, near future, dystopian, far-flung futures, colonisation, gadgets and tech, the possibilities are as endless as “what-if”.

What is the book that started your love of this genre?

I think I posted earlier about the books that got me hooked into reading SF. Most of those earlier books were Robert Heinlein’s juveniles: Red Planet, Podkyne of Mars, and Have Space Suit Will Travel. All fun adventure stories featuring young teenagers. 

If you had to recommend at least one book from your favourite genre to a non-reader/someone looking to start reading that genre, what book would you choose and why?

You only have to read through most of my posts to find me recommending this book or that author. But try Velocity Weapon by Megan O’Keefe as a fun place to start.

Why do you read?

That’s like asking me: Why do you breath? It’s an automatic response I have no control over. I have to read, just as I have to breath. 

Okay, I’d love to know what your favourite genre is, let me know in the comments.

2 Comments I’m A Science Fiction Nerd And — This Is My Genre #Tag

  1. Lisa’s Yarns

    I haven’t read much science fiction so I should check out Velocity Weapon! I have liked Blake Crouch and Andy Weir’s books but should try some less buzzy books!!

    1. Alexandra

      There are so many really good authors writing SFF at the moment, but yes, trying to find less hyped books for a better read. I mean, Andy Weir’s books are okay, don’t get me wrong. But there’s so much more out there.

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