Alexandra's Notebook

One of those Days

I have had one of those days. One where it feels like everything that could go wrong, went wrong. I'm sure I have bald patches in my hair from all the frustration I had this afternoon playing hunt the problem.

There was a problem with my new project, a blog I'm setting up to replace my Micro Blog. The new blog is on Wordpress a platform I abandoned a few weeks back moving most of my current project to Bear. Mostly because Bear is far more easier to use. But, it doesn't automatically post to any of the social website. Something Micro Blog did well, and something Wordpress does well.

So, against my better judgement, I took an old domain name and got it set up, loaded up Wordpress and some plugins, and ... managed to get out one post this afternoon announcing the move and ... then everything stopped working. After about 4 hours of hunt the problem, and feeling like I was playing whack-a-mole, I finally deduced it was a plugin problem.

Thankfully, Wordpress came to my aid and emailed me a recovery link from which to get back on the blog in order to remove the offending plugin and, return to some semblance of normality, minus patches of hair.

As a result I have learnt more about terminal than I ever wanted to know, and also what goes on under the hood of my computer. Enough faffing around to last me the rest of my life, thank you.

All this to say my micro blog, for short posts, now has a bright shiny new home. You can check it out at Micro Alex.

#100DaysToOffload #Musings