My Notebook


I've done it again. Started one too many projects. All the while telling myself I won't start another just as I'm getting caught up in the latest, which means, older ones slide or worse, get waylaid. Forgotten. All these partial projects sitting like so much drift wood blown up on a ragged beach after a hurricane, isn't helpful. I get anxious and start feeling guilty when, of course, I shouldn't as these are just supposed to be fun projects. Not anxiety inducing.

Then I spend way too much time telling myself it's okay, it doesn't matter whether I finish them or not, or how long they're on the go, at what stage of completion, as it's not about the completion, but the exploration of whatever the project is. Like learning astronomy without a telescope. Or a new language without a tutor. Or a jig saw cluttering up the dinner table for 3 months with only 70 of 1000 pieces laid.

At times I feel like A Taylor Swift Cat Lady, without the cat, who's more concerned about her plants than cleaning, and reading a 14 year old copy of National Geographic because it has an article on Peruvian Mummies. And forgetting to eat in the process, because I thought I'd spend an hour doodling for a challenge, and 6 hours elapse and the OH is looking at me like I'm the hermit from the Moors that Kate Bush was singing about. While not quite reproachful about there being no dinner, again, and having to order in take away, again.

But hey, this is me, this is me now. The woman who's turning into an odd eccentric, minus the cat (I'm allergic). I might even start dressing the part, with a pencil stuck in my hair, and dirt under my fingernails, while I eat marmite and marmalade sandwiches for supper drinking a cup of Earl Grey tea, hot, of course. Or maybe, I'll just fantasies about doing that while writing silly posts to amuse my readers in the hope of making them smile.

#100DaysToOffload #Musings