Today I thought to answer a few questions asked for the WeblogPoMo AMA challenge: What’s your comfort movie/show/piece of media, and – if you feel like sharing – why? This one is easy. My go to comfort movie is The Fifth Element. I have lost count the number of times I have watched this movie,… Continue reading
Posts Tagged → WeblogPoMo AMA
WeblogPoMo AMA #2
Another question I got asked for Annie’s #WeblogPoMo AMA (Ask Me Anything) challenge was from Annie Muller (yes, another Annie), she wanted to know: “What is a habit that’s either very long-standing or has had a big impact in your life (or both)?” and “What’s your favorite time of day, and why?”
WeblogPoMo AMA #1
The first question I got asked for Annie’s #WeblogPoMo AMA (Ask Me Anything) challenge was from Lou Plummer in which he asks: “If you could work as a tour guide in one of the places you’ve traveled to, where would you pick? And why?” Of course, for me, there is only one place and that’s… Continue reading
WeblogPoMo AMA
As part of doing #NaBloPoMo, National Blog Posting Month (as mentioned here) over on her blog, Annie is also running her #WeblogPoMo AMA. Another challenge I plan on doing at the same time in order to fulfil my need to do 30 posts in 30 days. Do you see what I’m doing? Getting people to ask… Continue reading