Week Notes Sept 2-8

Funny how some weeks are just a blur meaning, absolutely nothing happened. It’s like this last week came and went and, well, I didn’t notice it’s passing. Oh, sure things happened, they always do. But nothing of significance unless you want to hear about my haircut on Saturday … yeah, that’s what I thought. So, what did happen this week?

Well, I moved all my blogs around (again) yeah, I know, I really need to settle on one platform, one home and consolidate everything. But then that never seems to work out. So, for now, my Notebook is here on WordPress, and it seems people are visiting and commenting because, yay, WordPress has comments.

I’ve repurposed my Bear blog to talk about my addiction enjoyment of movies & TV shows, you can check that out at, Alex in Movieland. Yeah, catchy, right? I know, not the cleverest natty catchphrase I could come up with, but it’ll do. You can check out my latest Weekend Movie Round-Up.

Meanwhile, I’m hanging onto my Micro.blog as part of my social network (because of the cross-posts to Mastodon) and to post daily photos there as well.


  • I finished our rewatch of the two seasons of Agent Carter, and was sad all over again that they didn’t at least finish it with a third season. Alas, it wasn’t to be and we were, once again, eft hanging.
  • Thank the small gods Slow Horse season 4 hit screens last week, and we’re all singing hallelujah.
  • In between the Olympics, I’ve been watching Star Wars: Rebels. This animated series has been outstanding with some really fun storylines, and character arcs.
  • And, of course, as mentioned, we saw out the end of the Para Olympics watching the closing ceremonies on Sunday afternoon (our time). A great end to a fantastic 11 days of competition.


  • I’ve been struggling to get through A World of Curiosities by Louise Penny, one of my go-to fav authors. This time around, however, I’m finding it hard going due to the subject matter: child prostitution. I may yet have to put this one aside, and find something a little more lightweight and or cheerful to read.


  • Thanks to Hiro and the Hiro Report for the link to Miniatua Limit Edition featuring handcrafted miniature computers and dioramas. Stunning detailed work, anyone want to buy me one?
  • If you haven’t discovered her before, you should check out Marisabel’s website, Konfetti Explorations, where she’s sharing an ultra short story, daily (click on Chapters for more).
  • And finally, I always enjoy what Lou has to say over on his blog, Living Out Loud, as his posts are always as thoughtful as they are entertaining. He always scores high internet points with me.

And that, as they say, is that for another week. Till next time, I’m breaking out the sweaters and cardigans, thick socks, and getting ready for Spiced Pumpkin Latte season, and you?

Week Notes Aug 26 – 1 Sept

So because the weather hasn’t played ball (it’s been raining on and off for the last 5 days … again!) I haven’t managed to get out anywhere special to take photos, so those I have been posting have been from earlier in the year, or last year even. Weather aside, me and mine watched the opening ceremonies to the Para Olympics, and while not as spectacular as the main Olympics it was, nonetheless, wonderfully presented and, I hope, as much fun for the parading athletes as it looked.

We’ve subsequently been watching a variety of the sporting events on offer, from archery to goalball which, I have to say, actually turned out to be great fun, as did the wheelchair basketball. Go Canada GO!

And yes, I’ve moved this blog (again) hopefully, for the last time. I’m back where I feel the most comfortable, here on WordPress. I’ve left my photo blog, Snap Happy, over on Bear it’s fine where it is.


I’ve been on a bender and actually am happy to say I’m back. Books read include:


I’m not ashamed to say, I’ve been enjoying watching Star Wars: Rebels, the animated series has been just absolute fun. I shall be at odds waiting for the new season of Slow Horses to start this week, on Apple. It’s been a long time coming.

  • Star Wars: Rebels (animated)
  • Agents of SHIELD Season 7
  • Agent Carter Season 1 & 2

Listening to

Thanks to Jeff for this one … it’s beautiful!


If you want something fun, go see your name spelled out in Landsat Images.

Until next week, salut!

Week Notes Aug 12-18

All I want to do today is crawl right back into bed. Damn thing is, I can’t because I stripped the bed to wash the sheets. I was as sick as a dog last night from eating something funky, and my stomach is giving me hell this morning. I doubt I’ll be eating anything solid today. I have some soup for lunch and maybe, some plain toast to keep me going.

I’ll just have to crash on the couch and surf the streaming channels for something to watch. While wondering what it was, this time, that set off the bout of sickness and, well, you don’t want to know. *Just how personal do we get here? Maybe a toilet bowel too far*?

Health issues aside, it’s been a rather dull uninspired week, all in all. I did have a couple of book friends moan to me about trying to leave comments on my review blog, Alex Ink, which I have now moved from Bear back to WordPress because. You know, comments. All my bookish friends are all on wordpress so are use to liking and commenting on stuff people post. Especially as the UpVote button on Bear is only for within the community. Much like the Jetpack Like button on WordPress really.

And therein lies a problem with people using other platforms when they visit basically closed system, the inability to interact. Don’t get me wrong, I love Bear. I love it’s clean simplicity, and will continue to keep my personal blog here. I like this community, I like how everyone supports each other. It’s quiet, uncomplicated, and suits me just fine.

But the book-blogging community? Is very much a WordPress community with a few hold-outs still using Blogger.

Talking of Book Blogging. I finally found my reading mojo and have read a couple of books now. Although, it’s true, one was a quick reread, as I saw it as a way to get back into the groove, and it worked. Thanks Devon Madson. This is another reason to get back writing articles and reviews over on [Alex Ink](http://alexink.ca) (*if you want to visit, please do*.)


  • I’m doing a binge rewatch of Agents of SHIELD and started season 6 last night. Still one of the best around.
  • I also binge-watched the four episodes of season 2 of Signora Volpe over on Acorn TV. A streaming channel that offers up a lot of mystery and crime dramas from NZ, Australia, the UK, and other parts of the world.
  • I still can’t get into half the new shows over on Apple, I don’t know what it is, they’re just not clicking with me.


This week I wrote a number of articles & reviews over on my Book Blog. Check out:


Week Notes Jul 29 – Aug 04

Well, the last week of our holidays we went from a lot of rain to scorching hot heat and impossible temperatures between 35 – 40 degrees, with the humidity. I’m not sure what was worse, the heat or the rain? Either way, we did most of our garden visits in the early morning, or did evening walks as the sun was setting. I have been posting some architectural buildings over on my photo blog, Snap Happy, for those of you who are interested.

I have to say, I’m loving the new iMac and enjoying the beefed up ram and HD, with a couple of terabytes to fill. I can’t say it’s any faster than the last one, but maybe that’s just me (*or the internet*). Anyway, I’m loving Houston Jr. it feels like he’s punching above his weight.


We’ve been watching a lot of the different sporting events in the Olympics, this last week. Including the 3×3 basketball, which is far more dynamic and fun than the full on version. We’ve also enjoyed the canoeing, the cycling road races, gymnastics, fencing, swimming, and field hockey. I also watched some of the BMX bike stuff and, well, was blown away by how much fun it was. Again, fast and dynamic.

This weekend we watched Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes over on Disney and, I have to say, I thoroughly enjoyed this ape-filled romp. Oh, and this was my first Ape movie since the original Planet of the Apes with Charlton Heston and Roddy McDowel in. Yes, I am that old!


Nothing read again this week, unless you count a load of great blog posts.


Here’s a few more interesting blogs and links for you:

Week Notes Jul 22-28

Considering me and mine have been on holidays all this last week you would think I had lots to say about where we went, what we did, and what we ate. Sadly, the weather didn’t play ball and it turned out this week was spent mostly at home, and doing only local walks. I did get to eat a decent Montreal smoked meat poutine last night, for dinner. But going anywhere exciting? Will have to wait for our next holidays.

Other than the loss of our beloved Houston (iMac computer) which we knew was coming, the week has been a quiet one. Today, however, is the anniversary of my dad’s passing, which is always sad. He passed after a long battle with lung cancer, so it’s hard to forget. I still miss you dad even after all these years, and hope you’re kicking up hell where ever you are in the afterlife.


On the photo blog this week we have:


  • We continue to watch and enjoy the absolutely silliness of Apple’s Land of Women, with Eva Longoria and loved this week’s episode where she gets a little revenge.
  • We’re also no on season 3 of our rewatch of Agents of SHIELD, but I have to admit, some of these episodes are a lot darker and more violent than we saw in the first couple of season. Now I remember why season 1 was/is my favourite.
  • We thoroughly enjoyed watching the New Zealand-based series, My Life Is Murder from Acorn TV, starring Lucy Lawless with blond hair catching the bad guys down under. The best kind of cosy murder mystery with plenty of dry humour.
  • Then, of course, like most of the planet, we watched the opening ceremony of the Paris Olympics but, unlike the rest of the planet, as we watched the French feed. So we knew what was going on with all the weird tableaus that seem to confuse the hell out of everyone else apparently.


I haven’t read a single page of either of the two books I have on the go but certainly read quite a few blogs this last week.


Some interesting links and blogs to share with you today:

Week Notes Jul 15-21

Yes, yes, I missed a week, again … story of my life. As we’re on our annual holidays, it’s more likely we were out and about doing our staycation by visiting somewhere local. If memory serves me right, and it usually does, we were at the University Laval Botanic Gardens last Sunday enjoying a picnic day in the shade, smelling the flowers. (check out the photo log below for more.)

As readers already know, me and mine waited in a long, long queue at the Passport Office to file my paperwork for a brand new Canadian passport. Which should come in about 3 weeks time. Also, as some of you already know, I’m hoping my first trip abroad as a Canadian Citizen will be to Portugal, next year. At least, that’s the plan. I just haven’t told the OH that’s what we’re doing … yet!

My partner had bad news this week. Their aunty is in the long term hospital across the road from us, recovering from a fall and broken hip. And yes, of course the lax rules surround COVID has meant that someone has successfully infected half the hospital, including the terminal ward. To say we’re outraged is an understatement. I’m incandescent. I’ve already written to my local MP. I’m not sure either of us can effect a change in hospital procedure but I tell you, if anyone dies as a result of this, I shall be there, outside, picketing.


Obviously, most of this last weeks photo posts are of flowers. If you haven’t already seen them, you can click on the links below:


  • I stared watching the new show Sunny on Apple TV and, well, I didn’t even finish the first episode. I’m usually a big fan of scifi, but this? Doesn’t seem to be my cup of tea, and I don’t know why.
  • Meanwhile, we’re really enjoying the silly gangster fun of Land of Women on Wednesday nights. And yes, I still think Grandma Julia is the best character.
  • I gave up at the end of season 3 with our rewatch of Lost and for good reason. The show is awful. If I see one more character running through the jungle screaming …
  • As an antidote, we started a rewatch of Agents of SHEILD instead and, so far, have raced through season 1 (the best season IMHO) straight into season 2.
  • We watched the season finale of The Acolyte and, well, it left me feeling a little underwhelmed. The ending implying there’s another season coming and one I might not bother to watch.
  • After reading a review in this week’s Guardian about Apple’s new, Lady in the Lake series starring Nathalie Portman, I figured we were in for a really intriguing 60s set drama. But, sad to say, I struggled to get to the end of episode 1. This one is a little too dark for me.

And you, Dear Reader, what have you been doing this week, anything interesting?

Week Notes Jul 1-7

I missed writing this yesterday, let alone posting it, as this weekend saw the start of our summer holidays. And, with a flotilla of naval vessels in port for a mini (weekend) tour, we were a little busy playing tourists. Which is great news on the photo front. I took lots.


Check out these fun photos …


  • Watched the season finale of Hidden Assets ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
  • We started watching Land of Women on Apple TV and, so far, love it!
  • We’re rewatching Lost which has been, eh, interesting.


Still reading Lamentations by C.J. Sansom, which is over 800 pages long. I might be a while in finishing this one.


  • Check out one of my favourites, Hiro Report, for great commentary and links.
  • Marisabel over on Konfetti Explorations shares her My Notebook method.
  • Marco is another great source of weekly links and commentary you need to be following.

As for music this last week? I’m still playing my usual Taylor Swift Mix Tape, and occasionally throwing in some older Madonna stuff for variety.

And you Dear Reader, what have you been up to this last week?

Week Notes Jun 24-30

Well, it’s the last day of June and summer might have arrived according to the calendar, but tell that to Mother Nature who seems to think we’re still in April, up here in the Frozen North. She seems determined to give us only one sunny day out of every three followed by two days of rain. Upshot is, I haven’t been out as much I would have liked this last week with my camera, and still haven’t gotten up to the Botanical Gardens to see the peonies.

Nonetheless, I put the time to good use:

  • I added some new pages to my review blog including, Fav Authors
  • Inspired by Jedda, I started Throwback Thursday over on my photo blog
  • I also started crafting another possible blog, details of which may or may not go public



  • Watched the season finale of Acapulco ⭐⭐⭐⭐
  • Watched the season finale of Dark Matter ⭐⭐⭐
  • Thoroughly enjoying the Irish / Belgian co-production, Hidden Assets
  • Started watching My Life Is Murder starring Lucy Lawless, which is a great cosy mystery series on Acorn TV
  • While I continue to struggle with Disney’s The Acolyte, though it does have some great action sequences


  • Started: Lamentations by C.J. Sansom the second to last book in his highly acclaimed Shardlake Tudor series


Still trying to get into:

  • The Tortured Poets Department by Taylor Swift
  • Cowboy Carter by Beyonce

And you, what have you been up to, reading, watching or listening to?