This debut novel from the imaginative and decidedly twisted mind of S J Bennett is one of the best reads I’ve had this year, and that’s saying something given the quality of reads I’ve had of late. But what Bennett has done is capture the essence of Her Majesty, QEII, and turned her into a veritable royal Miss Marple in this lovely homage to Agatha Christie. Our much beloved sovereign is on top form in THE WIDSOR KNOT, sleuthing her way quietly through her ninetieth birthday celebrations, at Windsor Castle, during the spring of 2016.
For me, Bennett really captures both the best of a Christie novel, with an MC second to none. Updating for a modern sensibilities, complete with multiple murders, a clever, layered mystery, and political intrigue that is spot on—with a ‘hot button’ topic and issue ripped directly from today’s headlines. Throw in a great supporting cast of characters not least of which, aiding and abetting Her Majesty is Assistant Private Secretary, Rozie Oshodi, who’s the perfect foil to QEII. And you have a smart, elegant, clever murder mystery that delivers on so many levels.
We get a sneak peek into life as we might imagine it, within the walls of Windsor castle, and the daily life of a long-serving Queen. Not to mention, the involvement of the Met Police and MI5 who are left high and dry when you have the resource to hand that the Queen does. Razor sharp observations, droll and as dry as the Sahara, our erstwhile sleuth, Her Majesty the Queen of England, is one of the most unusual characters to pop up solving crime in, well, a long time. And some of the throw away scenes between her and Philip are, well, priceless.
To quote:
“Last thing you want is to be discovered in a royal palace with your goolies out.” “Philip!” “No, I mean it. No wonder everyone’s keeping it hush-hush. That, and protecting your fragile nerves.” The Queen threw him a look. “They forget. I’ve lived through a world war, that Ferguson girl, and you in the navy.”
I can still hear the Queen’s quiet, lilting voice echoing in my head along with that of Rozie, the Queen’s accomplice in crime-solving. Two wonderfully written characters, piecing together a series of nasty murders that all lead back to … well, that I cannot tell you, it would spoil the fun. Just go pick up your own copy and find out for yourself just who did what, to whom and why. The Windsor Knot has all the hallmark signs of being a long-running, best-selling cosy-mystery series that I, for one, am going to thoroughly enjoy reading.
Long may you reign, Lilibet!
Author: SJ Bennett
Publisher: William Morrow
ISBN: 9780063072534
Genre: Murder-Mystery
NaBloPoMo: 10/30
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“Long may you reign, Lilibet!” LOL. That’s hilarious. I have heard of the book but wasn’t tempted (at all) until now. Thanks for the review and recommendation.
Oh, I can’t recommend this series enough. I thoroughly enjoyed this one. I love the writing, and the author takes great pains to give us a sharp, shrewd Queen in her advanced years with a clever wit. I hope you give it a try and more, I hope you love it too.
This sounds like you had really fun reading it.
Oh, I did. It made me laugh out loud quite a few times. The dry wit is just my thing. And the author does a great job with not just the murder mystery, but with the royal setting.
I’ve never read any Agatha Christie, though my mom was a huge fan, and so many of my blog friends love her work. So when I read that this author has that same feel, I at least know that that’s a GOOD think. This book sounds charming.
Indeed, to say it’s Agatha Christie style helps let people know the kind of book read and style. But I have to say, this author has far more with in her writing and has a great set of characters, not least, her majesty, Queen Elizabeth. It was such fun to read.