Alexandra's Notebook

Time is what you make of it

Time and, indeed, life is what you make of it. After having to retire early because of a traumatic event in my life back in 2016, I found myself on the precipice of a dark place. But even then, faced with a dilemma, I had a choice. So many things happened one after the other that year I could easily have slipped into a long depression. Thankfully, I didn't.

I decided to get organised and, for the most part, I haven't looked back since. I've done my best to stay positive, upbeat and forward thinking. I've tried not to dwell on the past. Or dwell on events I had no control over. Or people whose choices still baffle me to this very day. I try not to fret about things I cannot change and, instead, think about the things I can change, and for the better. That work for me, and my situation and circumstance.

And in doing so, I've found myself a niche and a routine where I'm able to be productive, feel enriched, and that allows me time to do the things I want to do. And even, experiment with new projects and pastimes.

No, no I'm not going skiing in the mountains, or anything as dramatic as snorkelling on a coral reef let alone deep sea diving. But, given my own limitations, and not letting them define me, I've tried to stretch myself in a number of ways while still staying somewhat within my safety zone (for physical reasons) because, at my age, there are things I will never be able to do anymore. And that's okay. I'm okay with that. I never had a desire to bungie jump from anything, or skydive tandem or otherwise. They were never my thing.

But the things I do want to do? I will give them a go. After all, time is no longer on my side, and I have to make sure that I try to do as much or as little as I want each and every day. Because, when it comes down to it, I have no idea just how many days, like any of us, I have left.

So I do what brings me pleasure, what brings me joy, what gives me a sense of calm, or peace, or makes me smile, or happy, or comforted. Even if that's sitting on the balcony, drinking a cup of early morning tea watching the cloud drift lazily across the sky, listening to the sparrows chirrup, as the sun come up.

That's fine by me too.

#100DaysToOffload #Musings