Week Notes Aug 12-18

All I want to do today is crawl right back into bed. Damn thing is, I can’t because I stripped the bed to wash the sheets. I was as sick as a dog last night from eating something funky, and my stomach is giving me hell this morning. I doubt I’ll be eating anything solid today. I have some soup for lunch and maybe, some plain toast to keep me going.

I’ll just have to crash on the couch and surf the streaming channels for something to watch. While wondering what it was, this time, that set off the bout of sickness and, well, you don’t want to know. *Just how personal do we get here? Maybe a toilet bowel too far*?

Health issues aside, it’s been a rather dull uninspired week, all in all. I did have a couple of book friends moan to me about trying to leave comments on my review blog, Alex Ink, which I have now moved from Bear back to WordPress because. You know, comments. All my bookish friends are all on wordpress so are use to liking and commenting on stuff people post. Especially as the UpVote button on Bear is only for within the community. Much like the Jetpack Like button on WordPress really.

And therein lies a problem with people using other platforms when they visit basically closed system, the inability to interact. Don’t get me wrong, I love Bear. I love it’s clean simplicity, and will continue to keep my personal blog here. I like this community, I like how everyone supports each other. It’s quiet, uncomplicated, and suits me just fine.

But the book-blogging community? Is very much a WordPress community with a few hold-outs still using Blogger.

Talking of Book Blogging. I finally found my reading mojo and have read a couple of books now. Although, it’s true, one was a quick reread, as I saw it as a way to get back into the groove, and it worked. Thanks Devon Madson. This is another reason to get back writing articles and reviews over on [Alex Ink](http://alexink.ca) (*if you want to visit, please do*.)


  • I’m doing a binge rewatch of Agents of SHIELD and started season 6 last night. Still one of the best around.
  • I also binge-watched the four episodes of season 2 of Signora Volpe over on Acorn TV. A streaming channel that offers up a lot of mystery and crime dramas from NZ, Australia, the UK, and other parts of the world.
  • I still can’t get into half the new shows over on Apple, I don’t know what it is, they’re just not clicking with me.


This week I wrote a number of articles & reviews over on my Book Blog. Check out:
