In answer to Jedda’s post today, The Plan To Not Have A Plan, I wrote:
I find plans never go to plan, it’s best to have an outline written in pencil, maybe on a napkin that can be toss in the recycle if necessary when it all goes to hell in a hand basket …
Because invariably, I always end up tossing the plan in the bin, or it gets lost, forgotten, trodden on, eaten by the cat (oh, wait, we don’t have a cat) or covered in coffee stains so that it’s unreadable. Upshot is, plans never work out and while I love making them, and thinking about their execution, it’s an exercise in futility that while fun and distracting as they are, serve no real purpose other than to remind me, Life Happens.
Which is to say, life always manages to upend any plan I might have concocted. But that’s okay, I’ve learnt to surf with the best of them over the years. It’s a necessary life-skill you either get the hang of, as life sends you another curve ball (*can I do anymore metaphors, I wonder?*) and you ride off into the sunset … or not!
All this to say, I blog by the seat of my pants, literally concocting a daily post (or not) out of stray thoughts and mis-firing neurones who have an agenda of their own … oh, look, shiny …
Sometimes I get a post written. Sometimes I don’t. Sometimes I follow a plan. And sometimes I don’t. As Jedda points out in her post, the plan is to not to have plan and to not stress but to simply enjoy the process, as and when the muses strikes. Being careful to dodge lethal lightning as said muse can also be an angry vengeful crone when dissed.