I’ve had an amazing number of jobs over the years, starting with what I guess is a rite of passage for any kid born in the UK pre 1980s — that of paper delivery kid. Like many, it was my first real job that I got paid for by someone not a family member. A job I took very seriously at the time, never missing a day regardless of what the weather threw at me.
I loved that job, being up at an ungodly hour before the rest of the world, being out on the streets on my bike riding like a crazy, despite the weight of newspapers I had to deliver. I got so good at doing my one paper round that I ended up doing 2 back to back, and eventually did the Sundays as well. Earning myself enough to buy myself things I had only dreamed of.
I kept those paper rounds right up until just before I left home and signed up to join the military. Supplemented by then, with a job working behind the cheese and cooked meats counter at Littlewood. A job that saw me through a very long angsty summer of discontent at home. I was ever thankful to get out of the house every day, and also get paid for escaping.
And then … then I joined the Women’s Royal Air Force and trained to be an air traffic controller. Me? Can you believe it? The naive little kid had enough brains to scrape in under the radar (do you like the pun).
I did several years in the military and not all of them in the fish bowl tower directing traffic. I worked a lot more in Operations and Intel till burn-out finally took it’s toll. And despite good references and taking a spot in Civil Aviation, I only lasted months in the real world working at West Drayton. The stress was something I was trying to escape from.
At this point I was ready for a different less stressful job and life, and so, after a couple of years back at college retraining in a number of disciplines, including computing, I had a lucky break and found I had a skill I could make my own. I became a compositor for a design and publishing company. Moving into a whole new direction, one that gave me the opportunity to upgrade my skill set again, with a move down to London. Where I worked for several months as a nobody publishing assistant doing all the scut work.
What came next, as a result of putting in the hours, was my dream job and move. Suddenly, I found myself working in New York. I worked there, in publishing, for 3 years before finally, due to my dad’s cancer, returned to the UK.
I’ve been luckier than most landing in the right place at the right time to have been able to do some amazing jobs, and meeting some fantastic people along the way. And my time in the States? Will be something I’ll treasure and remember for the rest of my life.
So if you get a chance to do something new, and different, don’t hold yourself back with self doubt, go for it. Jump in with both feet and give it a go. Even in failure you’ll learn something and you’ll have experiences you would never normally have had otherwise.
I know I did.
NaBloPoMo: 27/30
[grey_box]This post is part of NaBloPoMo where I write 30 blog posts in November. Thank you for reading and leaving me a comment, which is encouragement for me to finish this challenge. To follow along you can subscribe using the form provided in the sidebar or use RSS.[/grey_box]
I liked reading about your meandering job paths! I’ve done pretty much the same job since graduating college, and sometimes I think about changing jobs and doing something else, especially since my job isn’t a very secure one. But I can’t imagine doing anything else, and the thought of changing fields seems so daunting. How did you find the motivation to move on from a job when it wasn’t the right fit?
I think it was more a case of right place right time, Diane. And when I left the military I realised I needed to move from the job I was in before I died inside. So I moved north, retrained and got a lucky break. It snowballed from there because I love to talk to people. And it was through connections that I got my job in NYC. That in turn opened up new horizons and opportunities, all of which I jumped at. I guess I really didn’t stop to think about what ifs.
This was so interesting. I had no idea you were in the military!
I always love learning more about Julia Child and this it’s so brave and fascinating that she became a chef so late in life. Of course that’s all we think when we think Julia Child, but she lived many “lives” before that stage.
It’s helpful to remember that what I do now isn’t what I always have to be doing and thats…exciting!
Oh, indeed, I did several years travelling all over the place and loved it. Till I didn’t. And yes, it’s true, we sometimes forget people have other lives before we knew them. And love how you mention Julia Childs, her husband Paul worked with one of my dad’s cousins.
We all have our own stories to tell and I love that. And what did you do before the “now”, Elisabeth?
I’m like you in that my career has been one of traveling from one job to another. I never really had a plan, I just wanted to have a desk job where I didn’t have to commute. Those are not high requirements. I guess my happiness comes elsewhere, not from my job.
My BFF was an air traffic controller for the USAF for a few years. Very stressful, but I think she liked it in a lot of ways.
Oh, so you know what it’s like. And I have to say, changing career like I did was one of the best things I ever did. I loved my time in NYC and just wish I could have stayed.
Ah, then your friend knows how hard it is. I’m not sure many people realise what’s involved. It is super stressful.
Moving to NY, that is indeed a big leap!
Not in my mind. I was brought up travelling all over the world, and I’d already made the moved to London, so heading for NYC was a gift I wasn’t going to miss no matter the fact I was a lowly nobody on crap wages. I love my time there.
I love reading your history and the interesting path life has taken you on! And as a former leader of my organization used to say, fail forward!
Thank you, Kim. I feel like I arrive at the right place at the right time to give myself some lucky breaks, Kim. Oh, and I like that saying, fail forward. Clever!
I didn’t know you were in the military… and you definitely had some interesting career changes. It shows that it’s possible!
I was really young when I signed up so it wasn’t too difficult after several years to retrain and start again and move to a whole other life. And once you’ve done it once, I think it’s a little easier to do it again. Maybe less so when older? I don’t know.
Wow, you’ve really had an interesting job pathway! Mine has been pretty linear but I’m okay with that. I find most of my fulfillment outside of work.
I think some of us wander off the beaten track and have to in a way, and then, either manage to carve out their own path, or not. I guess it’s not for everyone but it’s certainly been interesting. It also gave me a chance to travel more.