Favourite Moments

One of my fav blogs to read is that of blogger, Lou Plummer. Not just because you always get a post worth reading, but that he also shares any number of insights into his life and where he lives. These more personal posts always resonate, as did his post Twenty Sublime Moments.

Which got me thinking about some of the happier moments in my own life.

  1. Seeing the first spring flowers after the snow melts
  2. Hearing the sound of children’s laughter
  3. The smell of my mother’s favourite cologne, 4711
  4. Listening to bird song in the park
  5. Reading at my favourite spot in the park
  6. Eating my sister in law’s pulled pork poutine
  7. Taking the ferry across the St. Lawrence river
  8. The sound of bees buzzing in summer
  9. Climbing into a bed with fresh clean sheets
  10. Watching the first snowfall from inside, in the warmth

And you, what are some of your favourite moments?

NaBloPoMo: 09/30

[grey_box]This post is part of NaBloPoMo where I write 30 blog posts in November. Thank you for reading and leaving me a comment, which is encouragement for me to finish this challenge. To follow along you can subscribe using the form provided in the sidebar or use RSS.[/grey_box]

14 Comments Favourite Moments

  1. NGS

    That first day in spring when you can roll the windows down in the car and blast music (preferably Bruce Springsteen, but I’ll take anything). That is the PERFECT moment.

  2. J

    I live in California, and we spend a lot of time suffering in the heat in the summer. It’s dry, not humid, so much better than many places. Much of the time, we have the a/c on during the day, and when we go to bed we open the windows so we can get the cooler air. I dislike it, it’s loud (we live in a large metropolitan area, and can hear the sound of traffic pretty much all night. The first night of fall, when it’s cool enough to sleep with the windows shut tight is wonderful. Even better is winter when it’s cold enough to sleep in the quiet dark room with our comforter to make me feel cozy.

    1. Alexandra

      Having lived in both London and New York City, I can attest to how noisy city life is. Having the windows open at night? Was not an option. I would have died from lack of sleep. I like it quiet, cool, and very dark.

      I guess it’s small consolation that for at least part of the year, it’s quiet and you don’t have to live with the noise. I’m guessing your favourite moments are all those spent in the middle of nowhere, in the quiet, listening to nature.

  3. Tammy

    Hi Alexandra, Lovely list and I’ll add…
    +taste of a honeycrisp apple
    +sound of a typewriter
    +standing on the porch enjoying a thunderstorm
    +watching the squirrels chase each other around the trees
    +drawing at a coffee shop

    1. Alexandra

      Hi Tammy thanks for stopping by and commenting. And I have to agree with all those, I love watching thunderstorms, and that first Fall apple straight off the tree? Always delicious.

  4. Meike

    Great list! I would add to mine:
    – the smell of fresh cut grass
    – the sound of the first rain of the season
    – bird song on a lovely spring day
    – the sound of my son humming to himself
    – getting greeted by family at the airport

  5. Melissa

    When the cool change comes in after a heat wave and you get that smell of wet asphalt. It’s not that the smell is nice, more that it signals relief from the heat.

    A windless morning on the bay when the water looks like a mirror.

    1. Alexandra

      I would add that moment before a thunderstorm just before the rain hits the pavement, there’s that smell in the air. Ozone? I guess it’s the same.

      Oh, yes, you’re right. Looking out at a calm sea is beautiful. Especially when it’s reflective.

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