My Notebook

Happy Thanksgiving, Canada

It's Monday. It's raining. And it's Thanksgiving Day here, in Canada.

So yes, of course it's raining. I could almost believe I was still back in the UK, the amount of times it rains here every bank holiday. The rain, however, is outside so thankfully, I don't have to deal with it today. But that's not the end of the story. It's the last two weeks of October, and every year around this time, Thanksgiving, we get our first fitful snowfall.

It's due later this week and we're told we might get a dusting here, in the city. In some areas though, up north, north of us that is, they're forecasting upwards of 30 cm. By the way that's a foot for those of you who don't run on metric. A FOOT OF SNOW. Already!

I can see this might be one of those winters. A snow-bound winter. Several years ago we broke a record for that snow season (3 months) with 17 feet of the fluffy white stuff falling. Yes. You read right. SEVENTEEN FEET, all in caps! It doesn't bare thinking about. It's not like it arrives all at once and then, lingers till spring pushes up the daffodils. Though spring doesn't arrive here in the Frozen North till at least the first week in May, and then, it can still snow in May.

For us, here, it's a weird time where autumn's not quite done, but winter is insistent and pushy even, she doesn't care if half the trees are still in their glorious Fall coverage. She'll do as she damn well pleases, thrash the trees, and snow-bound us all if she had her way. I'm hoping against hope we just get that promised dusting, rather than the full on winter blanket.

I'm not ready for winter, not just yet.

Anyway, it remains to be seen what will arrive from the far far north. I will, of course, share photographic evidence if we do get anything of note. But fingers crossed, the worst won't arrive till late November ... or even January. Yeah, come in January, I can do snow in January, or even February.

I'll see you then, winter.

Regards, Alex
