My Notebook

Lady Bug, Lady Bug

It's a beautiful sunny day out there, today. I was going to go out for a walk this afternoon, camera in tow, to take photos of trees but. I stepped out onto the balcony to check how cold it was because Siri said 4 degrees and ...

I couldn't get back inside quick enough. With the stiff breeze blowing, it is, in fact, colder than hell, never mind the sun on my face felt good. I'm just not ready to dig out my winter coat, scarf, gloves and toque (hat) as I always feel I look like a Michelin man from the tyre adverts. Only less mobile. And then there's that added worry of suddenly floating off in a strong gust of wind. But hey, at least I'd get a great view of all the tree tops in and around my local area. That would be novel, I'd be my very own Blimp!

So, instead, here I am, inside, drinking a large cup of Moroccan mint tea and writing about going outside to take photos instead of actually doing it. Maybe tomorrow.

While I was on the balcony for all of, oh, 30 seconds, I did notice that there were a lot of Lady Bugs swarming. I did wonder whether my eyes were deceiving me and all those strange little floaty things were snow and then, realised no, not snow, or very very very small leaves, but Lady Bugs. And when I say a lot I mean, masses of them.

The birds are literally having the proverbial field day out there doing aerial acrobatics trying to scoop a free dinner out of thin air. A free bird buffet is going on as I write. Is this how sparrows fatten up for winter?

I mean, how many calories are there in a Lady Bug, and just how many of them would you have to eat in order to fatten up anyway?

See how easily I can be entertained and distracted when not wanting to go outside in the cold.

Tomorrow it is then. Excuse me while I watch live TV through my window.
