
I’m an old-school, somewhat grumpy dinosaur; think Ankylosaurus. All spikes and armour. Strangely enough, I grew up in the era of Sputnik, and the Cold War. Well before the internet and smart phones, an era in which you had to do everything the old fashioned way, manually. I still do.

I studied the SF classics while sharpening pencils and working as an editorial assistant in what is considered the drizzle capital of the world, that would be London. I then moved to New York to escape the rain where I worked for people who expected me to spel corectly and typ efficently in engrish.

I now live in Québec City, Canada, with my long time partner, a library-sized collection of books, and an unhealthy amount of toys. In my off time I love to read genre fiction, watch scifi TV shows, and generally moan about the weather.

And yes, it’s true, I love marmite!

I use this website to:

  • track what I read and watch
  • write commentary on things that interest me
  • share snippets of my fiction

My interest include:

  • Writing
  • Film & TV
  • Genre Fiction
  • Science & Nature
  • Photography
  • Journalling
  • Blogging
  • Travel
  • Food